
International अंतर्राष्ट्रीय

Spain adopts landmark law to protect 'gig' delivery worker

Spain approved a pioneering law on 11 May that gives delivery platforms a mid-August deadline to hire workers currently freelancing for them and that requires transparency of artificial intelligence used to manage workforces.

The royal decree passed by the centre-left ruling coalition immediately affects some 30,000 couriers. It comes in the wake of a ruling by Spain's top court last year and at a time when other countries in Europe and elsewhere are deciding on a labour model for the so-called gig economy, which is often blamed for precarious jobs and low salaries.

Brazil: Construction Union’s 7-day strike ends in victory

After a seven-day strike, the Trade Union of Construction, Paving and Earth Movement Industries Workers of the State of Ceará (SINTEPAV-CE) inked a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with companies operating the Solar Alex Project in Ceará, Brazil.

The union won an increase in workers’ wages by 10 percent and increased monthly bonuses from R$ 450 to R$ 600 (about USD 110). Overtime pay was also increased by 60 percent during the week and 100 percent on Saturdays.

Italian Dockers Stop Arms Shipment to Israel in Solidarity with Palestine

In an exemplary move of solidarity with Palestinians, after discovering that a shipment of arms destined for Israel was arriving in Italy’s ports, workers organized in one of Italy’s main unions, L'Unione Sindacale di Base, and other workers’ organizations refused to load the ship in support of the Palestinians fighting for their lives against Israeli occupation.

Iván Duque Government Must Stop Its Repression on People Of Colombia And End His Pursuit of Neo-Liberal Policies

Colombia is witnessing massive protests and general strike since April 28 against the regressive proposals of tax reforms and privatization of healthcare by government of Ivan Duque. Hand in glove with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the United States, Duque government had been spearheading neoliberal agenda in Colombia  by robbing jobs, livelihood and rights of the people.

Solidarity with the Palestinian People’s Resistance Against Israel’s Annexation Plan and Crimes Against Humanity

The people in the occupied Palestinian territories of West Bank and Gaza are facing a new wave of brutal aggression by Israel apartheid regime since the night of May 10, 2021. More than 250 people have been killed including 66 children and 38 women. The aggression comes as a further blow to the people in Gaza who are already reeling under devastating humanitarian crisis due to the ongoing land-air-sea blockade and continuous bombings by Israel that has destroyed Gaza’s most of the vital infrastructures.

Condemn US President Trump’s Declaration of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel

US President Trump’s declaration that his administration recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and plans to shift the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is a bid to confer legitimacy on Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine. This decision has rightly received condemnation from around the world, including from several member countries of the United Nations Security Council who condemned the decision at an emergency meeting of the UNSC.

नवम्बर क्रांति की प्रेरणादायक विरासत

नवम्बर क्रांति की प्रेरणादायक विरासत

सौ साल पहले दुनिया में एक अलग किस्म का भूचाल आया था. रूस में हुए एक अभूतपूर्व उभार ने समूची धरती को हिलाकर रख दिया था. यह एक ऐसी क्रांति थी जिसमें दुनिया के इतिहास में पहली बार राजसत्ता धनाढ्यों और कुलीनों के एक छोटे से गुट के हाथों से निकलकर दबे-कुचले और मेहनतकश जनसमुदाय के हाथों चली आई थी. यह कोई सामरिक तख्तपलट अथवा षड्यंत्रमूलक प्रहार नहीं था बल्कि इसमें एक निरंकुश शासन के अवशेषों को संगठित जन-शक्ति की लहरों ने बहाकर साफ कर दिया था.