AICCTU condemns the Draconian Action of De-recognition of NFPE and AIPEU

AICCTU strongly condemns the draconian action of De-recognition of National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and the All India Postal Employees Union Group-C on frivolous grounds.

It is clearly a vindictive anti-trade union action by the Postal Department and the Modi government against NFPE, the majority union in the postal department which commands the support of more than 70% employees and is leading anti-privatization, anti-corporatization struggle in postal department.

This repressive action has been taken at the instance of the ruling RSS-BJP dispensation at the centre and its associated union, BMS, to throttle the voice of protest of employees and their fighting unions as has been witnessed in other sectors also. In defence sector, protests were scuttled by another way, by bringing EDSA.

The flimsy reason cited for derecognition by the postal department is that the said associations extended financial assistance to farmers movement and their sister unions. This is nothing but an attack on the democratic rights of employees and the associations. Extending solidarity to movements including financial assistance, is an internationally accepted right of employees and workers and the Modi government is hell bent on snatching this right.


This draconian action must be resisted with all our might. AICCTU demandS the Modi led BJP government to withdraw the order of derecognition (dated 26.04.23) forthwith and restore the recognition of National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and the All India Postal Employees Union Group-C.


AICCTU Headquarters