All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU)
All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU) cherishes the motto of Democratic Rights, Socialist Vision and Dignity of Labour.
AICCTU stands for a resolute resistance to the offensive of capital against the Indian working class and the trade union movement. It is determined to put up a consistent fight in defence and for the extension of the rights and dignity of all workers, toiling and oppressed masses. It strives for the establishment of a secular democratic and socialist order in the country through the complete democratization of political, economic and socio-cultural life.
AICCTU is an active partner of the platform of Central Trade Unions (CTUs) that is comprised of all 10 recognised unions of the country but for the BJP affiliated BMS.
AICCTU is also an integral part of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) and has joined hands to express international solidarity with struggling workers and the unions.
Head Office: U-90, Shakarpur, Delhi 110092
Phone: (011) 22521067, 9968125770,
Fax: (011) 22442790
Web Page: